Crystal Red Apps

Crystal Red
25band is a Persian music band consisting ofTamin (vocalist) & A-del (rapper).
والی پور 1.3.2
Crystal Red
این نرم افزار جهت افزایش آگاهی در مورد ناراحتی های اعصاب و روان وروشها ی درمان آنها و ناراحتی های جنسی و زناشویی و اختلالات رفتاریکودکان و نوجوانان تهیه شده است.
فرزانه ابروانی
Crystal Red
سازمان مهاجرتی فرزانه ابروانی با ارائهسرویسهای مناسب و کیفیت بالا موفق شده است به عنوان یک سازمان فعال,موفق و معتبر در سطح جهانی مطرح شود.مشاورین و دستیاران آموزش دیده سازمان به منظور آماده سازی پرونده شماو اطلاع رسانی در کلیه امور مهاجرتی و جوابگویی به تمامی سؤالاتاحتمالی در خدمت موکلین می باشند.Immigration services byproviding appropriate and high quality F Abravani been successfulas an active, successful, globally considered valid.Advisers and assistants are trained to prepare your case and informthe Immigration and answer all questions in all possible clientsare served.
رادیو توکا 0.8
Crystal Red
محور اصلى منشور اخلاقى راديو توكا برپايه ى پخشبرنامه هاى پرمحتوا درچهارچوب اصول حرفه اى و بر صداقت و راستگويىقرار دارد.راديو توكا به هيچ دولت، حزب و گروهى وابسته نيست و به اصولدمكراسى وآزادى بيان، بدور از طرفدارى از هر نوع مذهب، عقيده، مرام،قوم و نژاد ، بنابر اعلاميه ى جهانى حقوق بشر استوار است.راديو توكا در عين احترام به نظرات و اعتقادات شنوندگان خود، قصدهيچ گونه اهانت و يا نغيير عقايد شخصى افراد را ندارد، همچنين ازمخاطبان خود مى خواهد كه به ديدگاه و نظرات ديگران ، كه بر اساس اصلآزادى عقيده و بيان ارائه مى گردد، ارزش گذارده و تساهل و تسامح را كهاز اصول بنيادين دمكراسى است بكار گيرند.از ديگر محورهاى منشور اخلاقى راديو توكا، اجتناب از قضاوت و داورىبى اساس، دورى از نفرت پراكنى مذهبى، نژادى و قومى، همچنين دقت دراعتبار و ارائه ى آمار و اطلاعات است. از آنجايى كه راديو توكا طيفگوناگونى از مخاطبان را تحت پوشش قرار مى دهد، برهمين اساس ساخت و پخشبرنامه هاى متنوع در زمينه هاى سياسى، اجتماعى، اقتصادى، ورزشى، هنر،ادبيات و موسيقى در دستور كار اين رسانه قرار دارد.همكاران و برنامه سازان راديو توكا ضمن آگاهى از منشور اخلاقى واصول حرفه اى اين رسانه و پايبندى به آن، سخنگوى رسانه نبوده و داراىآراء و نظرات مستقل هستند و بديهى است در اخيار گذاشتن فرصت سخن گفتنو اظهار نظر ديگران از سوى راديو توكا، لزوماً به معناى تأييد نظراتايشان نبوده و مسئوليتى را متوجه اين رسانه نمى كند، در عين حال،راديو توكا ممكن است تمامى و يا بخشى از محتواى رسانه اى ارائه شدهتوسط برنامه سازان كه با اصول اين راديو در تضاد باشد را رد يا تعديلنمايد.The main axis of Ethicsradio broadcasts blackbirds according to the profound vocationwithin the framework of the principles of honesty and truthfulnessis on.Radio blackbirds in any state party not affiliated to theprinciples of democracy and freedom of expression, far fromadvocating any religion, belief, creed, race, according to theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights is based.Radio blackbirds, while respecting the opinions and beliefs ofyour audience, intended no insult or Nghyyr personal beliefs, norof their audience wants to view and opinions of others, that theprinciple of freedom of expression offered. shared values ​​andtolerance apply the fundamental principles of democracy.On the other axes radio Code of Ethics Toka, avoiding judgmentsunfounded, away from hatred, religious, racial, ethnic, and provideaccuracy and reliability of data and information. Since blackbirdsradio audience covered a diverse range of offers based on thisbuild and broadcast a variety of programs in the political, social,economic, sport, art, literature and music are on the agenda of themedia.Partners and developers radio blackbirds knowledge about themedia code of ethics and professional principles and adhere to it,not the media spokesman opinions are independent and have obviouslyhacked up opportunities to speak and comment made by radio Toka,not necessarily an endorsement of their views and responsibility ofthe media will not notice, at the same time, radio blackbirds allor part of the media content may be provided by the developer inconflict with the principles of this radio is rejected oralleviated .
Vie Cafe 1.0.2
Crystal Red
Vie Cafe Located in EMAAR Square, will be aplace to grab and go, a place to sit and work and a place to meetfor business or pleasure.A destination for simple, delicious healthy food and the bestquality coffee set in a stylistic, chic environment - Fusingtogether refined simplistic food concepts .and clean modern designdetails.By offering a different experience to the existing F&B outlets,the Vie Café will be popular for its food, beverages and savvydesign style, all complementing the existing EMAAR Squarearchitectural style and branding.Vie Café will offer a selection of artisan, sandwiches, nutritioussalads sweets and daily specials using farm fresh and organicingredients when available.The menu will be designed towards a health conscience, Paleo dietoffering a range of protein choices with specialty salads and freshbaked low carbohydrate homemade breads, highest quality Coffee,cold brews, drip, traditional Espresso, fresh pressed juices anddairy free smoothies.Vie Café values a simple clean lifestyle which will be reflected inits menu, ambience, interiors and usage of recycled, sustainablematerials for boxes, bags and labels.
2December 1.2
Crystal Red
National Day is celebrated on 2 Decembereachyear in the United Arab Emirates for two days or more.
Dj.Beat 1.2
Crystal Red
You can find the latest news about my workbyfollowing me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus.Usingthe App, follow through the Social Tab to do so.
Crystal Red 1.5
Crystal Red
Crystal RED clients will be able to preview their applicationsbefore they are submitted to android store and send Pushnotifications after it's been submitted.
SEG 1.1
Crystal Red
Mr.Mohammad albastaki istheceo/chairman/president of Sama emirates investmentgroup.samaemirates investment group or seg is a group of companiesthatconsists of 7 different companies that function in variousfieldsand perform activities in different sections of dubaiandinternationallyEvery company at seg has a branch , whether inside or outside oftheUAESama emirates investment group is the mother company of allthecompanies namely , sama media group with a sister company inindiaand deals with all the media activities (refer to sama mediaindiapvt ltd) , sama emirates real estate that is connected tosamaemirates development(refer to the site) , sama rent a car ,libertygeneral trading and now a new company is born asinternationalinstitute of alliances (IIA) which has a mothercompany in theU.S.A sacramento and a sister company in dubai thatdeals witheducation as well as tradeCanada international college dubai or cicdubai is a collegethatdeals in various educational activities and has no barrierwhereage , sex , color , religion or caste is concernedAffiliated to the Canada college in Canada and acertifiedcollege not only offers various levels of English coursesat alllevels but also have courses like graphic design ,businessadministration , law , interior designing , media relatedcoursessuch as acting , film making , choreography , direction andscriptwriting and real estate developmentSama emirates investment group is open to associating itselftoforeign companies and joining hands to enhance and excel toheightswhere sky is the limitWe at sama are a family and believe in team workThe group of companies is a group of families that have joinedtohelp and brainstorm in every aspect of the companiesknowledgeableand informativeWe at sama have a slogan , practice makes perfect..the morewelearn the less we know and the more we are all open tolearningmore and more so come join us here at sama emiratesinvestmentgroup if you would like to be a part of our familyYou have a series of choices so pick and choose whicheveryoufeel you are a mastermind in and capable to be a part ofthisfamilySame emirates investment group believes in the unbelieveableandmr mohammad albastaki does , sees , wants and hastheunbelieveable
سودابه برنت 1.0.2
Crystal Red
در این اپلیکیشن شما میتوانید به کلیه برنامههایتصویری معمای درون با اجرای سودابه برنت دسترسی داشته باشید.در قسمت های دیگر این اپلیکیشن، سایر برنامه های تصویری سودابهبرنتنیز قابل دریافت است.همچنین شما می توانید از طریق این اپلیکیشن شنونده برنامه هایرادیوتوکا باشید.Sudabeh BurnettSudi Burnettمعمای درونIn this app you canrunall programs within S. Brent access challenge image.In other parts of the app, other video programs can bedownloadedS. Brent.You may also connect through the app Toka radio listeners.Sudabeh BurnettSudi BurnettThe mystery
Farsi Restaurants 1.0
Crystal Red
Located in Al Mizhar Mall, Dubai, AlFarsirestaurant offers the best home cooked traditionalPersiancuisine.Al Farsi is a family owned restaurant offering grandma’srecipecombined with warm and generous welcome to you, ourguests.We invite you along with your family and friends to join usandbecome a part of tradition that dates back to ancient times.Enjoyyour meal at Al Farsi Restaurant.
KAIF 1.1
Crystal Red
Is a fun app with Cocktail and Mocktail recipes, runner game andalimited time contest giving you a chance of wining a car astheGrand Prize Be sure to check the app frequently as we will addmoregames and to participate in upcoming contests. If you arewillingto add to our cocktail and mocktail directory just email usyourrecipe and a picture of the drink and we will be glad to postit tothe app under your name. Thank you for Drinking KAIF
MMEUSB 2.0.2
Crystal Red
MMEUSB is the first online application that gives you realtimeaccess and update on wide variety of collection of flash usbwithprice update at the same time on your iphone, ipad, ipod touchorandroid. Install this free app with iOs5 and higher version onyourdevice to make inquiries and receives daily updates forfree.Features: Access to variety of models of flash memory wehave.Choose from metal usb, rubber usb, simple usb and custom madeusbPhoto access anytime and anywhere. Direct inquiry to allsalesperson by tap and click. On the spot inquiry – from yourdevice,directly take photo of the usb you require and sendimmediately viamail to any of sales agent. Keep updates on thelatest models andprices and updates. Free for all apple or androiddevice. Choosefrom different models to give as gifts - less amountbut with highvalue and elegance Paperless catalogue / company info– withundeletable data installed on the chips, data retention willbe fora lifetime. All product comes with one year warranty,originalTaiwan chipset and full capacity. Online shopping.